Design ====== General concepts ---------------- We understand **compound groups** to be sets of substances defined by their shared molecular features, and which are useful to consider as a group because they share other properties of interest. The premise for grouping chemicals together is that many substances share substantial similarities in toxicological characteristics. The notion that these similarities are related to underlying similarities in molecular structure is supported by toxicological research (Kazius et al., 2005; Singh et al., 2016). Environmental fate and exposure potential are also known to be related to molecular structure, making compound groups an important unit of analysis in chemical hazard assessment and in the environmental health sciences more broadly (Krowech et al., 2016). Compounds groups of toxicological interest can be identified by a number of research strategies, including computational and predictive toxicology approaches (Faulkner et al., 2017). Our focus, however, is on enumerating compounds that belong to groups *already identified* through established methods. Over several decades of toxicological, epidemiological, and regulatory science worldwide, several hundred compound groups have been recognized and associated with known health hazards. For example, `IARC `_ classifies "Nickel compounds" and several other compound groups according to their carcinogenicity. See below for :ref:`references `. Methods for associating compounds with groups --------------------------------------------- Computational tools already exist for analyzing and searching molecular structures. Given a broad enough *set of relevant molecular structures*, and a set of :ref:`defined ` *structural patterns* corresponding to compound groups of interest, it should be possible to apply existing computational methods to identify which compounds belong to which group(s). That is the goal of Common Groups. Thus, we sometimes describe our project as **"populating" groups** with relevant examples of substances that belong to those groups. The immediate intended application of this project is to give technical definitions and enable computationally populating the set of compound groups named throughout all the hazard identification sources of the `GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals`_ and the `GreenScreen List Translator`_. Design of this program ---------------------- The ``commongroups`` software automates the process of going from a compound group definition to a list of substances that belong to the group. The program reads technical definitions of compound groups from a Google Spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet, the users of the program must define each group using the set of :ref:`parameters ` described below. With these definitions, the program searches a database of molecular structures looking for matches to the patterns; hundreds of thousands of compounds can be evaluated automatically in this way. Finally, the program generates lists of matching compounds, and reports its results in the form of a web-browseable directory of groups. To describe the "search" process in slightly more technical terms: For each compound group, ``commongroups`` formulates a database query that expresses the specified structural patterns and selection logic. It then runs this query against a local database of chemical structures, and retrieves the resulting set of compounds that match the group definition. Essential to this processs is the `RDKit`_ open-source cheminformatics toolkit, which enables database querying using molecular structure comparisons. The actual compounds identified when a group is populated using ``commongroups`` will necessarily depend on what compounds are represented in the database that is used. For information about how we construct a database for this purpose, see :doc:`database`. For detailed technical documentation about how the program works, see :doc:`usage` and the :doc:`developer`. .. _definitions: Defining groups --------------- In this project we define groups by specifying one or more patterns in molecular structure. We express these patterns in `SMARTS`_ notation (or, if very simple, sometimes in `SMILES`_ notation). For some groups, we may need to specify multiple patterns linked by logical conditions ("and", "or", "not", etc.). Here are a few simple examples of molecular patterns that correpsond to compound groups of toxicological interest. ======================== ============================ Compound group Structure pattern (SMARTS) ======================== ============================ Mercury compounds, alkyl ``[Hg]C`` Diazonium salts ``[C,c][N+]#[N]`` Methacrylates ``[CH3]C(=[CH2])C(=O)O-[*]`` ======================== ============================ Since SMARTS expressions are not very intuitive or easily understood, it is helpful to be able to visualise the meaning of a SMARTS expression. To that end, we recommend a useful web app called `SMARTSviewer`_ developed at the University of Hamburg. We believe that the technical definitions of compound groups should be openly discussed and peer-reviewed to ensure their accuracy and robustness. This aspect of the Common Groups project will be documented and conducted elsewhere. .. _parameters: Parameters for defining a compound group ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following parameters define a compound group. However, note that this is subject to change as the project and software develops. - ``cmg_id``: A unique identifier for the group. - ``name``: The name of the group, e.g., "Phthalates". - ``method``: The search method for identifying compounds in the group. We anticipate possibly having a range of computational methods available, but in the current (early) version of this software, the only option is ``SQL``. - ``structure_type``: How the structure is notated, i.e., SMILES or SMARTS. - ``structure``: The structure or pattern used as input to the search method. - ``code``: The criteria for how compounds should be evaluated to determine whether or not they match the structural pattern. For the time being, these definitions must be written in `SQL`_, a programming language used in database operations. - Specifically, this parameter corresponds to the ``where`` clause of a SQL ``select`` statement. - The substrings ``:m`` and ``:s`` will be substituted with the name of the database column containing molecular structures, and the value of the ``structure`` parameter, respectively. Examples ^^^^^^^^ Here is an example of some group parameters in tabular form, as they would appear in a spreadsheet: ====== ======================== ========= ============== ========= ============= cmg_id name method structure_type structure code ====== ======================== ========= ============== ========= ============= 1001 Lead compouds SQL SMILES ``[Pb]`` ``:m @> :s`` 2002 Mercury compounds, alkyl SQL SMARTS ``[Hg]C`` ``:m @> :s ::qmol`` ====== ======================== ========= ============== ========= ============= In this example, note that lead compounds are defined with a very simple SMILES string, which just specifies the element lead. The query code expresses a substructure search: any molecule containing the lead atom as a substructure is matched. In contrast, alkyl mercury compoounds requires a slightly more nuanced definition, and we use SMARTS to specify the pattern of a mercury atom bound to a *non-aromatic* carbon. We also include the ``::qmol`` term in the query code to indicate that the structure is a query molecule. In addition to these technical parameters, compound groups can be further described by adding notes or plain-language descriptions. This information is not used for computational purposes, but can be included for interpretation and communication of results. In the ``commongroups`` spreadsheet format, any columns *after* the parameters are read in as additional information. In the next section, we describe the form of database that is necessary to perform compound group population using these kinds of definitions. .. _toxrefs: References ---------- - Kazius, J., McGuire, R., & Bursi, R. (2005). Derivation and validation of toxicophores for mutagenicity prediction. *Journal of Medicinal Chemistry*, 48(1), 312–320. - Singh, P. K., Negi, A., Gupta, P. K., Chauhan, M., & Kumar, R. (2016). Toxicophore exploration as a screening technology for drug design and discovery: Techniques, scope and limitations. *Archives of Toxicology*, 90(8), 1785–1802. - Krowech, G., Hoover, S., Plummer, L., Sandy, M., Zeise, L., & Solomon, G. (2016). Identifying chemical groups for biomonitoring. *Environmental Health Perspectives,* 124(12), A219–A226. - Faulkner, D., Rubin Shen, L. K., et al. (2017). Tools for green molecular design to reduce toxicological risk. In R. J. Richardson & D. E. Johnson (Eds.), *Computational systems pharmacology and toxicology* (pp. 36–59). Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry. .. _GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals: .. _GreenScreen List Translator: .. _SMARTS: .. _SMILES: .. _SMARTSviewer: .. _RDKit: .. _SQL: