Database ======== For ``commongroups`` to work, it needs a database of compounds searchable by chemical structure. Specifically, this must be a `PostgreSQL`_ database with the `RDKit extension`_. We do not distribute a pre-built database, and there are no requirements for or limits on what compounds and data sources might be included in the database. We develop and test ``commongroups`` using a database compiled from public data available in the `US EPA CompTox Dashboard`_, containing approximately 700,000 structures. We believe that this is a good starting point for our immediate goals. We distribute a program that can :ref:`automatically ` download data and recreate the particular database that we use. What follows is a general description of how a database can be created and prepared for use with ``commongroups``. .. _datasources: Data sources ------------ From the `US EPA CompTox Dashboard`_: - ``dsstox_20160701.tsv`` - Downloaded as ```` - Date: 2016-07-01 (file generated); 2016-12-14 (posted on EPA website) - Accessed: 2017-04-18 - Contains mappings between the DSSTox substance identifier (DTXSID) and the associated InChI/InChIKey. - ``Dsstox_CAS_number_name.xlsx`` - Date: 2016-11-14 - Accessed: 2017-04-18 - Contains the CASRN, DTXSID, and the "preferred name" used by US EPA. - ``PubChem_DTXSID_mapping_file.txt`` - Date: 2016-11-14 - Accessed: 2017-04-18 - Contains the PubChem SID, PubChem CID and DTXSID. Constructing the database ------------------------- These are the general steps to create the database using the data sources above: 1. Create a database table of DTXSIDs, InChI(Key)s, and RDKit ``mol``-type representations of the structures (based on InChI) 2. Create database tables with DTXSID-CASRN and DTXSID-CID correspondences. 3. Merge the above tables on DTXSID, creating either a new table or a materialized view. Create an index on molecular structures using the GiST-powered RDKit extension. **To execute these steps automatically** on your system, first :doc:`install ` the required software and then see :ref:`autodb`. For more technical detail and the exact database commands used, please see the source code in ``tools/``. Known limitations ----------------- Currently, for ``commongroups`` to be able to use a database, it must contain a table or view called ``compounds``, which in turn must contain a column called ``molecule``, containing molecular structures in the RDKit ``mol`` data type. Furthermore, for HTML display of compound groups, the program currently assumes that ``compounds`` contains the following columns: ``cid`` (PubChem CID, also used for images), ``casrn``, and ``dtxsid``. This may change in future versions. The database produced by our automatic installation script satisfies these requirements. .. _PostgreSQL: .. _RDKit extension: .. _US EPA CompTox Dashboard: